
Make Room for a Healthier Smile with Dental Extractions

As indispensable natural tools, your teeth are paramount to your overall health. Your trusted dentist will do everything possible to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and intact. However, in some cases, the best course of action may be to remove a tooth. There are several reasons why you may need a tooth extraction, including the following:

  • Severe tooth decay or gum disease
  • An impacted wisdom tooth
  • Damaged teeth in an accident
Woman Preparing for Tooth Extraction — Munster, IN — SMILE Design

Before Your Tooth Extraction

Our team will guide you through the steps to take ahead of your dental appointment and what the aftercare may look like. Be sure to stock up on soft, nutritious foods, as your teeth will be more sensitive to chewing.

Recovery from a Tooth Extraction

At our practice, we understand that tooth extraction can be a daunting experience. That's why we're here to guide you through the recovery process with helpful tips and advice. Here's what you can expect during the healing period:

Rest and Take it Easy

Resting and limiting physical activity is crucial in the first 24 hours after the procedure. It's important to take it easy to allow your body to heal. Applying an icepack or cold, damp washcloth to your face can help reduce swelling.

Be Mindful of What You Eat and Drink

For the first day, stick to a diet of liquids and soft foods and avoid hot liquids, alcohol, smoking, or mouthwash containing alcohol.

Oral Hygiene is Important

Although you should avoid brushing the extraction site, it's still important to clean the rest of your teeth as usual. Clean the teeth next to the extraction site and rinse your mouth with salt water after meals to keep the healing socket clean.

Don't Disrupt the Healing Process

Playing with the healing gum can cause complications such as a dry socket, which can cause severe pain and swelling. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your care team immediately: fever, nausea or vomiting, severe pain, swelling, or bleeding.

At our practice, we are committed to providing exceptional care throughout your entire dental experience. Let us guide you through the recovery process with personalized attention and support.

Have a tooth that’s bothering you? Call 219-836-5656 to schedule a dental exam.

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